K8s Container Network Interface (CNI)
Container Network Interface (CNI)
The Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin is selected by passing kubelet
the --network-plugin=cni
- v1.18 Update CNI version to v0.8.5
helm search repo eks | grep cni eks/aws-vpc-cni 1.1.10 v1.9.3 A Helm chart for the AWS VPC CNI
Related terms
- Kubernetes networking
- Podman v2.0.0 (Jun 2020), default Podman CNI configuration now sets
to allow communication between containers by connecting to a forwarded port on the host. kubeadm
kubectl -n kube-system -l=k8s-app=kube-dns get pods
- Container Storage Interface (CSI)
See also
- Kubernetes networking: Container Network Interface (CNI), VPC CNI, Multus CNI, Calico, Flannel
- Kubernetes networking: network policies, Network Policy Providers, CNI, Calico, flannel, Service mesh, Istio,
kube-proxy, coredns, AWS VPC CNI: vpc-cni
, Kubernetes: Ingress controllers, IPVS, ServiceTypes:LoadBalancer, ClusterIP, NodePort, ExternalName
, Endpoints, EndpointSlices, Kubernetes DNS,svc.cluster.local
, Weave Net - Ingress controllers, NGINX Ingress Controller,
minikube addons enable ingress
,kubectl get ingress, kubectl get ingressclass, kubectl describe ingress
, Ingress API, AWS Load Balancer Controller, Envoy Proxy, GKE Ingress, Kubernetes Gateway API,ingress.k8s.aws, ingresses.networking.k8s.io
,kind: Ingress
: (tls:, hosts:
- Kubernetes interfaces: CNI, CSI