gsutil acl get

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gsutil acl get command gets the ACL text for a bucket or object, which you can save and edit for the acl set command.

gsutil acl get gs://your-bucket/
for BUCKET in $(gsutil ls); do echo $BUCKET; gsutil acl get $BUCKET; done
gsutil acl get gs://your-bucket/
gsutil acl get gs://your-bucket/your-folder/
CommandException: No URLs matched

gsutil acl get gs://your-bucket/
BadRequestException: 400 Cannot get legacy ACL for a bucket that has uniform bucket-level access. Read more at

gsutil acl get
CommandException: The acl command requires at least 2 arguments. Usage:

 gsutil acl set [-f] [-r] [-a] <file-or-canned_acl_name> url...
 gsutil acl get url
 gsutil acl ch [-f] [-r] <grant>... url...

 where each <grant> is one of the following forms:

   -u <id>|<email>:<permission>
   -g <id>|<email>|<domain>|All|AllAuth:<permission>
   -p (viewers|editors|owners)-<project number>:<permission>
   -d <id>|<email>|<domain>|All|AllAuth|(viewers|editors|owners)-<project number>


gsutil acl get gs://your-bucket/
AccessDeniedException: 403 Access denied.


See also
