terraform show
terraform show
command provides human-readable output from a state or plan file.
terraform init
->terraform plan
->terraform apply
->terraform show
terraform show (output example)
(output example)terraform show | egrep -w "^resource |^data " | grep -v "#"
terraform show | grep -w resource
terraform show | grep -w data | grep -v "#"
terraform show | egrep -w "instance_state|public_ip"
terraform show | grep -w public_ip
terraform show | grep -w Name
terraform show | grep instance_type
terraform show | grep instance_state
- Terraform show output example aws_instance
terraform show No state.
terraform show (no output)
Examples with errors
terraform show ╷ │ Error: Module not installed │ │ on /path_to_file/main.tf line 3: │ 3: module "compute" { │ │ This module is not yet installed. Run "terraform init" to install all modules required by this configuration. ╵
│ Error: Backend initialization required, please run "terraform init"
Error: failed to read the give file as a state or plan file
terraform show
: the JSON plan output now indicates which state values are sensitive. (#28889)
Related terms
terraform state list
terraform state pull
terraform state show
terraform state show aws_instance.MYexample
terraform apply
terraform destroy
Error: Module not installed
terraform output
See also
terraform show
,terraform show (output example)
,terraform state show module.my compute
terraform show --help
,terraform show (grep resource)
,terraform show my wrong name
,terraform show (grep aws instance)
- Terraform state:
terraform [ state | replace-provider | mv ]
, Remote state backends to manage Terraform state, State locking,terraform force-unlock