nats --help

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nats --help
usage: nats [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

NATS Utility

NATS Server and JetStream administration.

See 'nats cheat' for a quick cheatsheet of commands

  account    Account information and status
  bench      Benchmark utility
  consumer   JetStream Consumer management
  context    Manage nats configuration contexts
  errors     Error code documentation
  events     Show Advisories and Events
  kv         Interacts with a JetStream based Key-Value store
  latency    Perform latency tests between two NATS servers
  object     Interacts with a JetStream based Object store
  publish    Generic data publish utility
  request    Generic request-reply request utility
  reply      Generic service reply utility
  rtt        Compute round-trip time to NATS server
  schema     Schema tools
  server     Server information
  stream     JetStream Stream management
  subscribe  Generic subscription client

Global Flags:
  -h, --help                    Show context-sensitive help
      --version                 Show application version.
  -s, --server=URL              NATS server urls ($NATS_URL)
      --user=USER               Username or Token ($NATS_USER)
      --password=PASSWORD       Password ($NATS_PASSWORD)
      --connection-name=NAME    Nickname to use for the underlying NATS
      --creds=FILE              User credentials ($NATS_CREDS)
      --nkey=FILE               User NKEY ($NATS_NKEY)
      --tlscert=FILE            TLS public certificate ($NATS_CERT)
      --tlskey=FILE             TLS private key ($NATS_KEY)
      --tlsca=FILE              TLS certificate authority chain
      --timeout=DURATION        Time to wait on responses from NATS
      --js-api-prefix=PREFIX    Subject prefix for access to JetStream
      --js-event-prefix=PREFIX  Subject prefix for access to JetStream
      --js-domain=DOMAIN        JetStream domain to access
      --inbox-prefix=PREFIX     Custom inbox prefix to use for inboxes
      --context=NAME            Configuration context ($NATS_CONTEXT)
      --trace                   Trace API interactions

See also[edit]
