avalanche subnet --help
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The subnet command suite provides a collection of tools for developing and deploying Subnets. To get started, use the subnet create command wizard to walk through the configuration of your very first Subnet. Then, go ahead and deploy it with the subnet deploy command. You can use the rest of the commands to manage your Subnet configurations and live deployments. Usage: avalanche subnet [flags] avalanche subnet [command] Available Commands: addValidator Allow a validator to validate your subnet configure Adds additional config files for the avalanchego nodes create Create a new subnet configuration delete Delete a subnet configuration deploy Deploys a subnet configuration describe Print a summary of the subnet’s configuration export Export deployment details import Import subnets into avalanche-cli join Configure your validator node to begin validating a new subnet list List all created Subnet configurations public Import an existing subnet config from running subnets on a public network publish Publish the subnet's VM to a repository stats Show validator statistics for the given subnet upgrade Upgrade your subnets Flags: -h, --help help for subnet Global Flags: --config string config file (default is $HOME/.avalanche-cli.json) --log-level string log level for the application (default "ERROR") Use "avalanche subnet [command] --help" for more information about a command.