Terraform EKS module official usage example
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module "eks" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws" version = "~> 19.0" cluster_name = "my-cluster" cluster_version = "1.24" cluster_endpoint_public_access = true cluster_addons = { coredns = { most_recent = true } kube-proxy = { most_recent = true } vpc-cni = { most_recent = true } } vpc_id = "vpc-1234556abcdef" subnet_ids = ["subnet-abcde012", "subnet-bcde012a", "subnet-fghi345a"] control_plane_subnet_ids = ["subnet-xyzde987", "subnet-slkjf456", "subnet-qeiru789"] # Self Managed Node Group(s) self_managed_node_group_defaults = { instance_type = "m6i.large" update_launch_template_default_version = true iam_role_additional_policies = { AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore" } }
self_managed_node_groups = { one = { name = "mixed-1" max_size = 5 desired_size = 2
use_mixed_instances_policy = true mixed_instances_policy = { instances_distribution = { on_demand_base_capacity = 0 on_demand_percentage_above_base_capacity = 10 spot_allocation_strategy = "capacity-optimized" }
override = [ { instance_type = "m5.large" weighted_capacity = "1" }, { instance_type = "m6i.large" weighted_capacity = "2" }, ] } } }
# EKS Managed Node Group(s) eks_managed_node_group_defaults = { instance_types = ["m6i.large", "m5.large", "m5n.large", "m5zn.large"] }
eks_managed_node_groups = { blue = {} green = { min_size = 1 max_size = 10 desired_size = 1
instance_types = ["t3.large"] capacity_type = "SPOT" } }
# Fargate Profile(s) fargate_profiles = { default = { name = "default" selectors = [ { namespace = "default" } ] } }
# aws-auth configmap manage_aws_auth_configmap = true
aws_auth_roles = [ { rolearn = "arn:aws:iam::66666666666:role/role1" username = "role1" groups = ["system:masters"] }, ]
aws_auth_users = [ { userarn = "arn:aws:iam::66666666666:user/user1" username = "user1" groups = ["system:masters"] }, { userarn = "arn:aws:iam::66666666666:user/user2" username = "user2" groups = ["system:masters"] }, ]
aws_auth_accounts = [ "777777777777", "888888888888", ]
tags = { Environment = "dev" Terraform = "true" } }
See also