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apm install-vm

apm --help apm is a plugin manager to help manage virtual machines and subnets


 apm [command]

Available Commands:

 add-repository    Adds a custom repository to the list of tracked repositories
 completion        Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
 help              Help about any command
 install-vm        Installs a virtual machine by its alias
 join-subnet       Installs all virtual machines for a subnet.
 list-repositories Lists all tracked plugin repositories.
 remove-repository removes a repository from the list of tracked repositories
 uninstall-vm      Uninstalls a virtual machine by its alias
 update            Updates plugin definitions for all tracked repositories.
 upgrade           Upgrades a virtual machine. If none is specified, all installed virtual machines are upgraded.


     --admin-api-endpoint string   endpoint for the avalanche admin api (default "")
     --apm-path string             path to the directory apm creates its artifacts (default "/Users/user/.apm")
     --config-file string          path to configuration file for the apm
     --credentials-file string     path to credentials file
 -h, --help                        help for apm
     --plugin-path string          path to avalanche plugin directory (default "src/github.com/ava-labs/avalanchego/build/plugins")

Use "apm [command] --help" for more information about a command.

See also[edit]
