IAM roles for EC2 instances
IAM roles for EC2 instances (Jun 2012) [1]
- Only one role can be assigned to an Amazon EC2 instance at a time [2]
See also
- AWS IAM role, AWS service roles, AWS IAM Roles Anywhere: [
list-roles | get-role | create-role | put-role-policy | create-service-linked-role | attach-role-policy | update-role | add-role-to-instance-profile ], aws ec2 describe-iam-instance-profile-associations ]
, IAM roles for EC2 instances,AWSServiceRoleForAutoScaling
- AWS EC2, Amazon EC2 API,
aws ec2, AWS::EC2
, Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, CPU credits, Instance type, EC2 limitations,, Instance metadata and user data (IMDS),InstanceType, InstanceId
, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, AWS EC2 Instance Connect, launch template, lifecycle, AWS Security group (SG), Amazon EC2 Recycle Bin, Amazon EC2 Mac Instances, Global View