CKA Storage
Revision as of 14:42, 28 November 2023 by Welcome (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Understand storage classes, persistent volumes * Understand volume mode, access modes and reclaim policies for volumes * Understand persistent volume claims primit...")
- Understand storage classes, persistent volumes
- Understand volume mode, access modes and reclaim policies for volumes
- Understand persistent volume claims primitive
- Know how to configure applications with persistent storage
See also[edit]
- Kubernetes storage, storage classes, PersistentVolume (PV), PVC, CSI,
kind: StorageClass, kind: PersistentVolumeClaim, kind: PersistentVolume
,kubectl [ get | describe | edit ] pvc
,kubectl patch pv
, Volume Expansion, Volume Cloning, snapshots, ExtraVolumes, NotTriggerScaleUp,volumePVCDataSource, AllowVolumeExpansion
, EKS storage, provisioner, Storage Capacity Tracking,VolumeBinding, VolumeClaimTemplate,
, CKA Storage, DoKC, EmptyDir, Volume populators,