nagios3stats --help

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nagios3stats --help

Nagios Stats 3.5.1
Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Ethan Galstad (
Last Modified: 08-30-2013
License: GPL

Usage: nagios3stats [options]

 -V, --version      display program version information and exit.
 -L, --license      display license information and exit.
 -h, --help         display usage information and exit.

Input file:
 -c, --config=FILE  specifies location of main Nagios config file.
 -s, --statsfile=FILE  specifies alternate location of file to read Nagios
                       performance data from.

 -m, --mrtg         display output in MRTG compatible format.
 -d, --data=VARS    comma-seperated list of variables to output in MRTG
                    (or compatible) format.  See possible values below.
                    Percentages are rounded, times are in milliseconds.
 -D, --delimiter=C  character to use as delimiter in MRTG output mode.
                    Defaults to a newline.

 PROGRUNTIME          string with time Nagios process has been running.
 PROGRUNTIMETT        time Nagios process has been running (time_t format).
 STATUSFILEAGE        string with age of status data file.
 STATUSFILEAGETT      string with age of status data file (time_t format).
 NAGIOSVERSION        string with Nagios version.
 NAGIOSPID            pid number of Nagios deamon.
 NAGIOSVERPID         string with Nagios version and PID.
 TOTCMDBUF            total number of external command buffer slots available.
 USEDCMDBUF           number of external command buffer slots currently in use.
 HIGHCMDBUF           highest number of external command buffer slots ever in use.
 NUMSERVICES          total number of services.
 NUMHOSTS             total number of hosts.
 NUMSVCOK             number of services OK.
 NUMSVCWARN           number of services WARNING.
 NUMSVCUNKN           number of services UNKNOWN.
 NUMSVCCRIT           number of services CRITICAL.
 NUMSVCPROB           number of service problems (WARNING, UNKNOWN or CRITIAL).
 NUMSVCCHECKED        number of services that have been checked since start.
 NUMSVCSCHEDULED      number of services that are currently scheduled to be checked.
 NUMSVCFLAPPING       number of services that are currently flapping.
 NUMSVCDOWNTIME       number of services that are currently in downtime.
 NUMHSTUP             number of hosts UP.
 NUMHSTDOWN           number of hosts DOWN.
 NUMHSTUNR            number of hosts UNREACHABLE.
 NUMHSTPROB           number of host problems (DOWN or UNREACHABLE).
 NUMHSTCHECKED        number of hosts that have been checked since start.
 NUMHSTSCHEDULED      number of hosts that are currently scheduled to be checked.
 NUMHSTFLAPPING       number of hosts that are currently flapping.
 NUMHSTDOWNTIME       number of hosts that are currently in downtime.
 NUMHSTACTCHKxM       number of hosts actively checked in last 1/5/15/60 minutes.
 NUMHSTPSVCHKxM       number of hosts passively checked in last 1/5/15/60 minutes.
 NUMSVCACTCHKxM       number of services actively checked in last 1/5/15/60 minutes.
 NUMSVCPSVCHKxM       number of services passively checked in last 1/5/15/60 minutes.
 xxxACTSVCLAT         MIN/MAX/AVG active service check latency (ms).
 xxxACTSVCEXT         MIN/MAX/AVG active service check execution time (ms).
 xxxACTSVCPSC         MIN/MAX/AVG active service check % state change.
 xxxPSVSVCLAT         MIN/MAX/AVG passive service check latency (ms).
 xxxPSVSVCPSC         MIN/MAX/AVG passive service check % state change.
 xxxSVCPSC            MIN/MAX/AVG service check % state change.
 xxxACTHSTLAT         MIN/MAX/AVG active host check latency (ms).
 xxxACTHSTEXT         MIN/MAX/AVG active host check execution time (ms).
 xxxACTHSTPSC         MIN/MAX/AVG active host check % state change.
 xxxPSVHSTLAT         MIN/MAX/AVG passive host check latency (ms).
 xxxPSVHSTPSC         MIN/MAX/AVG passive host check % state change.
 xxxHSTPSC            MIN/MAX/AVG host check % state change.
 NUMACTHSTCHECKSxM    number of total active host checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMOACTHSTCHECKSxM   number of on-demand active host checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMCACHEDHSTCHECKSxM number of cached host checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMSACTHSTCHECKSxM   number of scheduled active host checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMPARHSTCHECKSxM    number of parallel host checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMSERHSTCHECKSxM    number of serial host checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMPSVHSTCHECKSxM    number of passive host checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMACTSVCCHECKSxM    number of total active service checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMOACTSVCCHECKSxM   number of on-demand active service checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMCACHEDSVCCHECKSxM number of cached service checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMSACTSVCCHECKSxM   number of scheduled active service checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMPSVSVCCHECKSxM    number of passive service checks occuring in last 1/5/15 minutes.
 NUMEXTCMDSxM         number of external commands processed in last 1/5/15 minutes.

 Note: Replace x's in MRTG variable names with 'MIN', 'MAX', 'AVG', or the
       the appropriate number (i.e. '1', '5', '15', or '60').

See also[edit]
