op --help

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op --help
Password CLI provides commands to manage and administer a 1Password account.

Sign in to an account to get started. Run `op signin --help` to learn

To learn more about 1Password CLI 2.0, check out our guides at

Usage:  op [command] [flags]

Management Commands:
  account     Manage your locally configured 1Password accounts
  connect     Manage Connect instances and Connect tokens in your 1Password account
  document    Perform CRUD operations on Document items in your vaults
  events-api  Manage Events API integrations in your 1Password account
  group       Perform CRUD operations on the groups of users in your 1Password account
  item        Perform CRUD operations on the 1Password items in your vaults
  user        Manage users within this 1Password account
  vault       Manage permissions and perform CRUD operations on your 1Password vaults

  completion  Generate shell completion information
  inject      Inject secrets into a config file
  read        Read a secret using the secrets reference syntax
  run         Pass secrets as environment variables to a process
  signin      Sign in to a 1Password account
  signout     Sign out of a 1Password account
  update      Check for and download updates

Global Flags:
      --account string     Select the account to execute the command by account shorthand, sign-in address, account UUID, or user UUID. For a list of available accounts, run 'op account list'. Can
                           be set as the OP_ACCOUNT environment variable.
      --cache              Store and use cached information.
      --config directory   Use this configuration directory.
      --debug              Output debug logs. Can also be set using $OP_DEBUG environment variable.
      --encoding type      Use this character encoding type. Default: UTF-8. Supported: SHIFT_JIS, gbk.
      --format string      Use this output format. Can be 'human-readable' or 'json'. Can be set as the OP_FORMAT environment variable. (default "human-readable")
  -h, --help               Get help for op.
      --iso-timestamps     Format timestamps according to ISO 8601 / RFC 3339. Can be set as the OP_ISO_TIMESTAMPS environment variable.
      --no-color           Print output without color.
      --session token      Authenticate with this session token. 1Password CLI outputs session tokens for successful `op signin` commands when biometric unlock is disabled.
  -v, --version            version for op

Run 'op [command] --help' for more information on the command.

See also[edit]
