helm uninstall argocd
Revision as of 17:58, 10 April 2024 by Welcome (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{lc}} helm uninstall argocd These resources were kept due to the resource policy: [CustomResourceDefinition] applications.argoproj.io [CustomResourceDefinition]...")
helm uninstall argocd These resources were kept due to the resource policy: [CustomResourceDefinition] applications.argoproj.io [CustomResourceDefinition] applicationsets.argoproj.io [CustomResourceDefinition] appprojects.argoproj.io
helm install argocd, argoproj.io, deployment.apps/argocd-server, Terraform helm install ArgoCD
Argo CD, ArgoCD RBAC, argocd, argocd --help
, Flux, argoproj.io, kind: Application