AWS CloudTrail Best Practices
- Enable CloudTrail log file integrity validation
- Receiving CloudTrail log files from multiple accounts
- Enable MFA-delete and versioning on the Amazon S3 Bucket storing log files:
aws_s3_versioning, mfa_delete
See also
aws cloudtrail
[get-event-selectors | lookup-events | list-trails | create-trail | add-tags | delete-trail | describe-trails | get-trail-status | put-event-selectors | put-insight-selectors | remove-tags | start-logging | stop-logging | update-trail | validate-logs | create-event-data-store | list-public-keys | list-tags
], Terraform,enable-federation
,AWS CloudTrail, Events- AWS CloudTrail, AWS CloudTrail Insights, CloudTrail Events, AWS CloudTrail Lake, Terraform, Best practices, Datadog SIEM Content Packs for Cloudtrail