argocd app

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argocd app create guestbook --repo --path guestbook --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace default`

 actions         Manage Resource actions
 create          Create an application
 delete          Delete an application
 delete-resource Delete resource in an application
 diff            Perform a diff against the target and live state.
 edit            Edit application
 get             Get application details
 history         Show application deployment history
 list            List applications
 logs            Get logs of application pods
 manifests       Print manifests of an application
 patch           Patch application
 patch-resource  Patch resource in an application
 resources       List resource of application
 rollback        Rollback application to a previous deployed version by History ID, omitted will Rollback to the previous version
 set             Set application parameters
 sync            Sync an application to its target state
 terminate-op    Terminate running operation of an application
 unset           Unset application parameters
 wait            Wait for an application to reach a synced and healthy state

See also
