EXPOSE 8080 # REST interface EXPOSE 8333 18333 18444 # P2P network (mainnet, testnet & regnet respectively) EXPOSE 8332 18332 18443 # RPC interface (mainnet, testnet & regnet respectively) EXPOSE 28332 28333 # ZMQ ports (for transactions & blocks respectively)
2023-05-31T05:17:59Z P2P peers available. Skipped DNS seeding. 2023-05-31T05:17:59Z dnsseed thread exit
[2024-08-08 12:11:27] INFO p2p: Running node with peer id of XXXXXXX
- EnableP2P
op-node --p2p.static
--log.vmodule value
no peers ready to handle block requests for more P2P requests for L2 block history
op-node 9003
See also[edit]
devp2p [ enrdump ]
, Node Discovery Protocol v5- p2p, The Bitcoin P2P Network Library, Libbitcoin, bx, DHT, Bram Cohen, 9003,
p2psim, devp2p
, Node Discovery Protocol v5 bitcoind, .bitcoin/, bitcoin.conf, Dockerfile, Bitcoind ports( 8332 18332 18443 8333 18333 18444 ), -chain, -datadir, -server, --help
, Bitcoind logs, Bitcoind changelog