cast wallet

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cast wallet new
cast wallet new --help
cast wallet new-mnemonic
cast wallet vanity
cast wallet list
cast wallet address

cast wallet --help
Wallet management utilities

Usage: cast wallet <COMMAND>

 new                 Create a new random keypair [aliases: n]
 new-mnemonic        Generates a random BIP39 mnemonic phrase [aliases: nm]
 vanity              Generate a vanity address [aliases: va]
 address             Convert a private key to an address [aliases: a, addr]
 sign                Sign a message or typed data [aliases: s]
 verify              Verify the signature of a message [aliases: v]
 import              Import a private key into an encrypted keystore [aliases: i]
 list                List all the accounts in the keystore default directory [aliases: ls]
 derive-private-key  Derives private key from mnemonic [aliases: --derive-private-key]
 decrypt-keystore    Decrypt a keystore file to get the private key [aliases: dk]
 help                Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


See also[edit]
