minikube start

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minikube start && minikube status && kubectl get pods -A
minikube addons enable ingress csi-hostpath-driver
minikube addons enable
minikube delete && minikube start

Mikikube start examples[edit]

Mikikube start execution examples[edit]

With errors[edit]

minikube start
Starting local Kubernetes cluster...
E0820 12:06:07.966435    2393 start.go:83] Error starting host: Error creating new host: dial tcp: missing address. Retrying.
E0820 12:06:07.979545    2393 start.go:83] Error starting host: Error creating new host: dial tcp: missing address. Retrying.
E0820 12:06:07.994242    2393 start.go:83] Error starting host: Error creating new host: dial tcp: missing address. Retrying.
E0820 12:06:07.994465    2393 start.go:89] Error starting host:  Error creating new host: dial tcp: missing address
Error creating new host: dial tcp: missing address
Error creating new host: dial tcp: missing address

Related terms[edit]

See also[edit]
