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wikipedia:Fluentd (2011) data collection software
See also
- Fluentd, Fluent Bit,
,helm install fluentd, fluent-ctl
- CNCF: Prometheus, Buildpack, OpenTelemetry, OpenTelemetry (Otel), Fluent Bit, Thanos, Linkerd, Envoy Proxy, cert-manager, Opentelemetry, Helm, KEDA
- Logs, Log collector, log management, log explorer, Linux logging,
docker logs
,minikube logs
, Vector, Logstash, Filebeat, promtail, logfmt, Elasticsearch, fluentd, Mezmo (LogDNA), Scalyr, Loggly, Loki,tlog, cockpit
, NXLog, Winston, Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights, Logz.io, Logflare, Coralogix - Linux logging, Cisco IOS logging