Jenkins X
To Install Jenkins X on Mac: brew tap jenkins-x/jx && brew install jx
[1]. Jenkins-X can also be used for Continuous Delivery with AWS EKS. [2]
See also
- Kubernetes: distributions, tools, CKA, CKS, Kubernetes interfaces: CSI, CNI, installation, workloads, networking,
,Kubernetes API
, Kubernetes API Server,kubectl, kubeadm, kubelet, kube-proxy
, Cloud services: EKS, GKE, TKE, DKS, Helm, Kubernetes RBAC, Kubernetes deployments, Minikube, Rancher, OpenShift, Charmed Kubernetes, Ingress, Kubernetes scheduler, Kubernetes Finalizers, logging, Kubernetes operator, Orka,kind:
, Kubernetes namespaces, Kubernetes dashboard, Kubernetes Metrics Server, Field Selectors, CoreDNS, CRI, Kubernetes Topology Manager, Kubernetes governance: (SIG, KEP), Kustomize, controllers,ReadinessProbe, LivenessProbe
, KOPS, K9s, Kui, k3s, ImagePullBackOff, PDB, EndPoints, Kots, metadata, Karpenter,, Kubernetes Authenticating, Kubernetes timeline, Changelog/Versions, service accounts, Kubernetes Pod Lifecycle, Kubernetes Conformance Certified, Kubernetes backup, Kubernetes Pod Security Admission, tEKS, Kubernetes events, Kubernetes ports, Kubernetes policies, Connect, addons, DoKC, Kubernetes control plane, Kubernetes Federation, Kubernetes info, Kubetest2, Sidecar (Kubernetes) - Docker:
, Docker Desktop, Docker Scout, Docker Swarm, Docker Volumes, Docker images management, docker network,docker inspect
,docker volume inspect
, Docker Engine release notes,docker kill
, Docker-in-Docker,docker context
,docker tag
,docker system prune
, Docker Hub,hub-tool, /etc/docker/daemon.json
, dockerd, logs, Docker logging, Backup,docker service
,depends on
,--dns, --filter
,docker login
,docker build
,apt remove
, docker context ls |docker-machine, .docker/
, PWD,$HOME/.docker/config.json
, Docker ID,--env-file, docker --help
: [config | init | status ]
,git add
,git rm
,git commit
,git push, git pull
),git tag
,git log
,git blame
, Merge Request, LFS,git branch
,git apply
,git rebase
,git diff
,git diff-tree
,git config --global
,remote | submodule | request-pull
,git show-ref
,git reset
,git prune
,git ls-remote origin
,git checkout
,git switch
,git credential-osxkeychain
,git version
,git --help
, GitBook,refs/
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