[1], text configuration file for managed nodes, or inventory in Ansible terminology, in INI or YAML format.
Defining specific user for some group of hosts:
[my_new_group] myhost1 myhost1 myhost3 [my_new_group:vars] ansible_user=sysadm
- Read how to build a dynamic invertory: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/intro_dynamic_inventory.html#intro-dynamic-inventory
Related terms
See also
- Ansible: modules, plugins, Playbooks (examples)
, Ansible Tower, Ansible Galaxy (Roles) (ansible-galaxy
,gather facts
,Ansible Molecule
, Ansible collections,register
,ansible HOSTNAME -m ping
,ansible -m ping
,hosts: (Ansible)
,set fact:
,become method:
, AWX,ansible --help
, Tags, Ansible variables, versions