RHEL 8 Features
New features from RHEL 8.0 (05/2019): Release Notes https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html-single/8.0_release_notes/index and announcement[1].
- upstream Linux kernel 4.18[2]
- YUM package manager is now based on the DNF technology
- nginx 1.14 and Varnish Cache 6.0 now supported
- nftables framework replaces iptables
- OSCAP add-on enabled by default
Filesystem and Storage
- XFS now supports shared copy-on-write data extents
- Btrfs file system is not supported
- ext4 file system now supports metadata checksum (already available since 2012 in Linux kernel 3.5[3])
- Stratis new local storage manager as technology preview
- LVM no longer used clvmd, it uses lvmlockd
- LVM no longer uses
daemon for caching metadata and always read metadata from disks.
- Docker not included. Use podman, buildah, skopeo, and runc tools
- rootless containers is available as a technology preview
- MongoDB dropped due to license issues
- MariaDB Galera Cluster standard part of MariaDB
See also
- RHEL: RHEL9, RHEL 8 Features, RHEL 7 Features, CentOS,
, RHSCL, Extended Update Support (EUS), RHEL minor releases, RHUI, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux