Bolt --help

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 bolt --help

    bolt <subcommand> [action] [options]

    Bolt is an orchestration tool that automates the manual work it takes to
    maintain your infrastructure.

    apply             Apply Puppet manifest code
    command           Run a command remotely
    file              Copy files between the controller and targets
    group             Show the list of groups in the inventory
    guide             View guides for Bolt concepts and features
    inventory         Show the list of targets an action would run on
    module            Manage Bolt project modules
    plan              Convert, create, show, and run Bolt plans
    project           Create and migrate Bolt projects
    script            Upload a local script and run it remotely
    secret            Create encryption keys and encrypt and decrypt values
    task              Show and run Bolt tasks

    For a list of guides on Bolt's concepts and features, run 'bolt guide'.

    -h, --help                       Display help
        --version                    Display the version
        --log-level LEVEL            Set the log level for the console. Available options are
                                     trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, any.
        --clear-cache                Clear plugin cache before executing

See also
