Apache Karaf

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wikipedia:Apache Karaf is a modular open source OSGi (Release 6[2]) runtime environment. The project became a top level project in 2010, previously being a subproject of Apache ServiceMix.

Apache Karaf can work on top of any of the two most used OSGi frameworks: Apache Felix or Equinox (OSGi), providing additional features.


Karaf Runtime

Karaf Container is a modern and polymorphic container. It's a lightweight, powerful, and enterprise ready container powered by OSGi. By polymorphic, it means that Karaf can host any kind of applications : OSGi, Spring, WAR, and much more. Karaf can be used as a standalone container, or in a bootstrap way using Karaf Boot.

Karaf Cellar

Karaf Cellar is a clustering solution for Karaf. It allows you to manage multiple instances, with synchronization between the instances.

See also
