Jfrog xr

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jfrog xr
   jfrog xr - Xray commands

  jfrog xr command [command options][arguments...]

   curl, cl            Execute a cUrl command, using the configured Xray details.
   offline-update, ou  Download Xray offline updates.
   help, h

   --help, -h  show help

Environment Variables:
    [Default: INFO]
    This variable determines the log level of the JFrog CLI.
    Possible values are: INFO, ERROR, and DEBUG.
    If set to ERROR, JFrog CLI logs error messages only.
    It is useful when you wish to read or parse the JFrog CLI output and do not want any other information logged.

    [Default: true]
    If true, JFrog CLI prompts for product server details and saves them in its config file.
    To avoid having automation scripts interrupted, set this value to false, and instead,
    provide product server details using the config command.

    [Default: ~/.jfrog]
    Defines the JFrog CLI home directory path.

    [Default: The operating system's temp directory]
    Defines the temp directory used by JFrog CLI.

    Build name to be used by commands which expect a build name, unless sent as a command argument or option.

    Build number to be used by commands which expect a build number, unless sent as a command argument or option.

    Artifactory project key.

    Sets the CI server build URL in the build-info. The "jfrog rt build-publish" command uses the value of this environment variable, unless the --build-url command option is sent.

    [Default: *password*;*psw*;*secret*;*key*;*token*]
    List of case insensitive patterns in the form of "value1;value2;...". Environment variables match those patterns will be excluded. This environment variable is used by the "jfrog rt build-publish" command, in case the --env-exclude command option is not sent.

    [Default: false]
    If true, disables interactive prompts and progress bar.

See also

[[Category:JFrog] ]
