MinIO Client

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brew install minio/stable/mc

ls        list buckets and objects
mb        make a bucket
rb        remove a bucket
cat       display object contents
head      display first 'n' lines of an object
pipe      stream STDIN to an object
share     generate URL for temporary access to an object
cp        copy objects 
mirror    synchronize objects to a remote site
find      search for objects
sql       run sql queries on objects
stat      stat contents of objects
lock      set and get object lock configuration
retention set object retention for objects with a given prefix
legalhold set object legal hold for objects
diff      list differences in object name, size, and date between buckets
rm        remove objects
event     manage object notifications
watch     watch for object events
policy    manage anonymous access to objects
admin     manage MinIO servers
session   manage saved sessions for cp command
config    manage mc configuration file
update    check for a new software update
version   print version info


See also
