RDS template.cf
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Metadata: License: Apache-2.0 Description: 'AWS CloudFormation Sample Template RDS_Snapshot_On_Delete: Sample template showing how to create an RDS DBInstance that is snapshotted on stack deletion. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon RDS database instance. When the stack is deleted a database snapshot will be left in your account. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.' Resources: MyDB: Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance Properties: DBSecurityGroups: - Ref: MyDbSecurityByEC2SecurityGroup - Ref: MyDbSecurityByCIDRIPGroup AllocatedStorage: '5' DBInstanceClass: db.t2.micro Engine: PostgreSQL MasterUsername: MyName MasterUserPassword: MyPassword DeletionPolicy: Delete
See also
- AWS CloudFormation: [
aws cloudformation
|drift detection
],aws cloudformation get-template-summary, aws cloudformation describe-stack-events
- AWS CloudFormation,
AWS CloudFormation Designer, Drift detection, AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK),aws cloudformation
, AWS CloudFormation Linter (cfn-lint
), Former2, CloudCraft, Change sets, AWS CloudFormation Public Registry, CloudFormation snippets, CloudFormation templates, StackSets,Outputs:
, CloudFormation Parameters, AWS CloudFormation Templates, CloudFormation functions