agd init

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 agd init --help



Init and generate: $HOME/.agoric/config/genesis.json

agd init --chain-id agoricdev-13 your-name
{"app_message":{"auth":{"accounts":[],"params":{"max_memo_characters":"256","sig_verify_cost_ed25519":"590","sig_verify_cost_secp256k1":"1000","tx_sig_limit":"7" .../...

agd init --chain-id agoricdev-13 your-name
Error: genesis.json file already exists: /yourpath/.agoric/config/genesis.json
agd init --help
# Replace <your_moniker> with the public name of your node.
# NOTE: The `--home` flag (or `AG_CHAIN_COSMOS_HOME` environment variable) 
determines where the chain state is stored.
# By default, this is `$HOME/.agoric`.
agd init --chain-id $chainName <your_moniker>


See also
