min size, max size, desired size
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min_size max_size desired_size Changing the desired count must be handled outside of Terraform once the node group is created. Changin in terraform is not supported
Stop all nodes in your EKS cluster:
eksctl scale nodegroup --cluster <CLUSTERNAME> --name <NODEGROUPNAME> --nodes 0 --nodes-max 1 --nodes-min 0
Error: expected scaling_config.0.max_size to be at least (1), got 0
InvalidParameterException: desiredSize is not valid
Error: updating EKS Node Group
aws eks list-clusters, aws eks list-nodegroups
min_size, max_size
- Terraform submodule: self managed node groups
- Terraform EKS submodule: eks managed node groups
- Amazon EKS Nodegroup
See also