ecs-cli compose --help
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NAME: ecs-cli compose - Executes docker-compose-style commands on an ECS cluster. USAGE: ecs-cli compose command [command options] [arguments...] COMMANDS: create Creates an ECS task definition from your compose file. Note that we do not recommend using plain text environment variables for sensitive information, such as credential data. ps, list Lists all the containers in your cluster that were started by the compose project. run Starts all containers overriding commands with the supplied one-off commands for the containers. scale Scales the number of running tasks to the specified count. start Starts a single task from the task definition created from your compose file. stop, down Stops all the running tasks created by the compose project. up Creates an ECS task definition from your compose file (if it does not already exist) and runs one instance of that task on your cluster (a combination of create and start). service Manage Amazon ECS services with docker-compose-style commands on an ECS cluster. OPTIONS: --file value, -f value Specifies one or more Docker compose files to use. Defaults to docker-compose.yml file, and an optional docker-compose.override.yml file. [$COMPOSE_FILE] --project-name value, -p value Specifies the project name to use. Defaults to the current directory name. [$COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME] --task-role-arn value [Optional] Specifies the short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role. --ecs-params value [Optional] Specifies ecs-params file to use. Defaults to ecs-params.yml file, if one exists. --registry-creds value [Optional] Specifies the ecs-registry-creds file to use. Defaults to latest 'ecs-registry-creds' output file, if one exists. --verbose, --debug [Optional] Increase the verbosity of command output to aid in diagnostics. --region value, -r value [Optional] Specifies the AWS region to use. Defaults to the region configured using the configure command --ecs-profile value [Optional] Specifies the name of the ECS profile configuration to use. Defaults to the default profile configuration. [$ECS_PROFILE] --aws-profile value [Optional] Use the AWS credentials from an existing named profile in ~/.aws/credentials. [$AWS_PROFILE] --cluster-config value [Optional] Specifies the name of the ECS cluster configuration to use. Defaults to the default cluster configuration. --cluster value, -c value [Optional] Specifies the ECS cluster name to use. Defaults to the cluster configured using the configure command --help, -h show help
See also