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guestfish - the guest filesystem shell included in libguestfs-tools package in Ubuntu/Debian.


ls, ll, cat, more, download and tar-out

resize2fs-size /dev/sda145 16G
guestfish -a IMAGE.QCOW2
guestfish -a IMAGE.QCOW2 -i
guestfish -a IMAGE.QCOW2

Welcome to guestfish, the guest filesystem shell for
editing virtual machine filesystems and disk images. 

Type: ‘help’ for help on commands
     ‘man’ to read the manual
     ‘quit’ to quit the shell

><fs> run
><fs> run
libguestfs: error: launch: this function can only be called in the config state
><fs> list-filesystems
/dev/sda1: ext4
><fs> e2fsck /dev/sda1
libguestfs: error: e2fsck: e2fsck 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
e2fsck: need terminal for interactive repairs
><fs>  e2fsck /dev/sda2
libguestfs: error: e2fsck: e2fsck 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
/dev/sda2 is mounted.
e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.

guestfish -a IMAGE.qcow2  -i
guestfish: no operating system was found on this disk

If using guestfish ‘-i’ option, remove this option and instead
use the commands ‘run’ followed by ‘list-filesystems’.
You can then mount filesystems you want by hand using the
‘mount’ or ‘mount-ro’ command.

If using guestmount ‘-i’, remove this option and choose the
filesystem(s) you want to see by manually adding ‘-m’ option(s).
Use ‘virt-filesystems’ to see what filesystems are available.

If using other virt tools, this disk image won’t work
with these tools.  Use the guestfish equivalent commands
(see the virt tool manual page).

Related terms

See also
