heroku pipelines --help

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list pipelines you have access to

  $ heroku pipelines

  --json  output in json format

  $ heroku pipelines 

  pipelines:add       add this app to a pipeline
  pipelines:connect   connect a github repo to an existing pipeline
  pipelines:create    create a new pipeline
  pipelines:destroy   destroy a pipeline
  pipelines:diff      compares the latest release of this app to its downstream app(s)
  pipelines:info      show list of apps in a pipeline
  pipelines:open      open a pipeline in dashboard
  pipelines:promote   promote the latest release of this app to its downstream app(s)
  pipelines:remove    remove this app from its pipeline
  pipelines:rename    rename a pipeline
  pipelines:setup     bootstrap a new pipeline with common settings and create a production and staging app 
(requires a fully
                      formed app.json in the repo)
  pipelines:transfer  transfer ownership of a pipeline
  pipelines:update    update the app's stage in a pipeline

See also
