Jira logs

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2020-02-25 11:20:59,751+0400 HealthCheck:thread-1 WARN      [c.a.t.j.healthcheck.support.AttachmentHealthCheck] There was a RuntimeException when testing the attachment 121

2020-02-25 11:21:04,366+0400 Caesium-1-2 ERROR      [c.a.t.healthcheck.concurrent.SupportHealthCheckProcess] Health check Free Disk Space (Local Home) failed: Your free disk space is running low. You currently have 375.1 MB free in / (/dev/vda1), which is below the current threshold.
2020-01-25 11:41:45,408+0400 Caesium-1-3 ERROR ServiceRunner     [c.a.t.healthcheck.concurrent.SupportHealthCheckProcess] Health check Gadget feed URL failed: Jira is not able to access itself through the Gadget feed URL. This is necessary so that dashboard gadgets can be generated successfully. Please verify the current Base URL and if necessary, review your network configurations to resolve the problem.

subject=Account password

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