kubedump (sj14)

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brew install sj14/tap/kubedump

apt install -y golang && go install github.com/sj14/kubedump@latest
kubedump -namespaces 
kubedump -namespaces yournamespace
loaded 111 manifests in 31.919s
 kubedump --help
Usage of ./kubedump:
        dump cluster-wide resources (default true)
  -config string
        path to the kubeconfig, empty for in-cluster config (default "/root/.kube/config")
  -context string
        context from the kubeconfig, empty for default
  -dir string
        output directory for the dumps (default "dump")
  -groups string
        groups to dump (e.g. 'metrics.k8s.io,coordination.k8s.io'), empty for all
  -ignore-groups string
        groups to ignore (e.g. 'metrics.k8s.io,coordination.k8s.io')
  -ignore-labels string
        ignore resources with the given labels (e.g. key1=value1,key2=value2)
  -ignore-namespaces string
        namespaces to ignore (e.g. 'ns1,ns2')
  -ignore-resources string
        resources to ignore (e.g. 'configmaps,secrets')
  -labels string
        dump resources with the given labels (e.g. key1=value1,key2=value2), empty for all
        dump namespaced resources (default true)
  -namespaces string
        namespaces to dump (e.g. 'ns1,ns2'), empty for all
  -resources string
        resources to dump (e.g. 'configmaps,secrets'), empty for all
        remove fields containing a state of the resource (default true)
  -threads uint
        maximum number of threads (minimum 1) (default 10)
  -verbosity uint
        verbosity of the output (0-3) (default 1)
        print version information of this release (undefined)

See also
