metricbeat run

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metricbeat run --help
Run metricbeat

  metricbeat run [flags]

  -N, --N                      Disable actual publishing for testing
      --cpuprofile string      Write cpu profile to file
  -h, --help                   help for run
      --httpprof string        Start pprof http server
      --memprofile string      Write memory profile to this file
      --system.hostfs string   Mount point of the host's filesystem for use in monitoring a host from within a container

Global Flags:
  -E, --E setting=value              Configuration overwrite
  -c, --c string                     Configuration file, relative to path.config (default "metricbeat.yml")
  -d, --d string                     Enable certain debug selectors
  -e, --e                            Log to stderr and disable syslog/file output
      --environment environmentVar   set environment being ran in (default default)
      --path.config string           Configuration path (default "") string             Data path (default "")
      --path.home string             Home path (default "")
      --path.logs string             Logs path (default "")
      --plugin pluginList            Load additional plugins
      --strict.perms                 Strict permission checking on config files (default true)
  -v, --v                            Log at INFO level

See also
