netlify --help

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netlify --help
  netlify-cli/12.2.5 darwin-arm64 node-v19.1.0

  $ netlify [COMMAND]

  $ addons       (Beta) Manage Netlify Add-ons
  $ api          Run any Netlify API method
  $ build        (Beta) Build on your local machine
  $ completion   (Beta) Generate shell completion script
  $ deploy       Create a new deploy from the contents of a folder
  $ dev          Local dev server
  $ env          Control environment variables for the current site
  $ functions    Manage netlify functions
  $ recipes      (Beta) Create and modify files in a project using pre-defined recipes
  $ graph        (Beta) Control the Netlify Graph functions for the current site
  $ init         Configure continuous deployment for a new or existing site. To create a new site without continuous deployment, use `netlify sites:create`
  $ link         Link a local repo or project folder to an existing site on Netlify
  $ lm           Handle Netlify Large Media operations
  $ login        Login to your Netlify account
  $ open         Open settings for the site linked to the current folder
  $ sites        Handle various site operations
  $ status       Print status information
  $ switch       Switch your active Netlify account
  $ unlink       Unlink a local folder from a Netlify site
  $ watch        Watch for site deploy to finish

See also
