promtool --help

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promtool --help
usage: promtool [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

Tooling for the Prometheus monitoring system.

  -h, --help     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --version  Show application version.
 help [<command>...]
   Show help.
 check config <config-files>...
   Check if the config files are valid or not.
 check web-config <web-config-files>...
   Check if the web config files are valid or not.
 check rules <rule-files>...
   Check if the rule files are valid or not.
 check metrics
   Pass Prometheus metrics over stdin to lint them for consistency and correctness.
   $ cat metrics.prom | promtool check metrics
   $ curl -s http://localhost:9090/metrics | promtool check metrics
 query instant [<flags>] <server> <expr>
   Run instant query.
 query range [<flags>] <server> <expr>
   Run range query.
 query series --match=MATCH [<flags>] <server>
   Run series query.
 query labels [<flags>] <server> <name>
   Run labels query.
 debug pprof <server>
   Fetch profiling debug information.
 debug metrics <server>
   Fetch metrics debug information.
 debug all <server>
   Fetch all debug information.
 test rules <test-rule-file>...
   Unit tests for rules.
 tsdb bench write [<flags>] [<file>]
   Run a write performance benchmark.
 tsdb analyze [<flags>] [<db path>] [<block id>]
   Analyze churn, label pair cardinality.
 tsdb list [<flags>] [<db path>]
   List tsdb blocks.
 tsdb dump [<flags>] [<db path>]
   Dump samples from a TSDB.
 tsdb create-blocks-from openmetrics <input file> [<output directory>]
   Import samples from OpenMetrics input and produce TSDB blocks. Please refer to the storage docs for more details.

See also
