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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(computing) man



-c (--create)
-t or --list list content of tar file
-v (--verbose)
tar --help


  • tar -cf new_file.tar /path/folder/to/tar
  • tar -cvf new_file.tar /path/folder/to/tar
-c (--create)

With compression

  • tar -Jcvf new_file.tar.xz /path/folder/to/tar or tar Jcvf new_file.tar.xz /path/folder/to/tar[1]
-J, --xz
-j, --bzip2
--lzip Filter the archive through lzip
--lzma Filter the archive through lzma
--lzop Filter the archive through lzop
--no-auto-compress Do not use archive suffix to determine the compression program
-z, --gzip, --gunzip, --ungzip Filter the archive through gzip
-Z, --compress, --uncompress Filter the archive through compress
--zstd Filter the archive through zstd

Compress directory using xz multithread capabilities

tar c your_directory | xz -T0 -c > your_file_name.tar.xz

tar (child): Cannot connect to 2019-08-02T06: resolve failed
tar: 2019-08-02T06\:00+04\:00.tar.xz: Cannot write: Broken pipe
tar: Child returned status 128
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Related terms

See also

  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/18855909
  • Advertising: