Terraform resource: aws ebs volume
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availability_zone - (Required) The AZ where the EBS volume will exist.
Official example
resource "aws_ebs_volume" "example" { availability_zone = "us-west-2a" size = 40 tags = { Name = "HelloWorld" } }
resource "aws_ebs_volume" "your_volume_name" { availability_zone = aws_instance.your_instance.availability_zone size = var.your_value == "XXXXX" ? 5000 : 4000 tags = { Name = "your-name-${var.env}-ebs" Env = var.env } }
- ebs_block_device argument in resource and input in module
- Terraform resource:
- Terraform resource: aws_ebs_snapshot
- lsblk
See also
- Terraform EC2 resources:
aws_instance, aws_ebs_volume, aws_volume_attachment, aws_ec2_tag
, Terraform module:ec2-instance
aws ec2 [ describe-volumes | create-volume | modify-volume | detach-volume ]
- Terraform AWS: provider, resources, modules, data sources, VPC, IAM, Net, EC2, S3, Route53, ACM, CloudWatch, SES, RDS, ECS,
awscc, autoscaling, EKS