Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
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wikipedia:Amazon Simple Notification Service (2010)[1] notification service
- Mobile: Push notifications, SMS
- Configure Amazon SNS to send messages for alerts to other destinations: Email, Webhook, Slack, OpsGenie
- Amazon SNS dead-letter queues
- Standard Topics
Standard topics can be used in many scenarios, as long as your application can process messages that arrive more than once and out of order, for example: fanning out messages to media encoding, fraud detection, tax calculation, search index, and critical alerting applications.
- Maximum throughput: Standard topics support a nearly unlimited number of messages per second.
- Best-effort ordering: Occasionally, messages might be delivered in an order different from which they were published.
- FIFO Topics, designed to enhance messaging between applications when the order of operations and events is critical, or where duplicates can't be tolerated, for example: fanning out messages to bank transaction logging, stock monitoring, flight tracking, inventory management, and price update applications.
- High throughput: FIFO Topics support up to 3,000 messages per second or 10 MB per second per FIFO topic (whichever comes first).
- Strict ordering: The order in which messages are published and delivered is strictly preserved (i.e. first-in-first-out).
- Jan 2025 Announcing high-throughput mode for Amazon SNS FIFO Topics [2]
- Nov 2019 Amazon SNS Adds Support for Dead-Letter Queues (DLQ) [3]
Related terms[edit]
- AWS Chatbot
- Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
- Slack
- Amazon SNS push notifications
- Fanout Amazon SNS notifications to Amazon SQS queues for asynchronous processing
- Push
See also[edit]
aws sns
[ publish | subscribe | list-subscriptions | create-topic | set-subscription-attributes ]
- Amazon SNS, AWS SNS Topics, Amazon SNS push notifications,
aws sns
, Terraform, dead-letter - Notification service, APN, AWS SNS