kubectl get configmap
(Redirected from Kubectl -n kube-system get configmap)
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kubectl get configmap kubectl get configmap -A kubectl get configmap -n kube-system
kubectl get configmap -n prod NAME DATA AGE elasticsearch-master-config 1 5d22h kube-root-ca.crt 1 14d your-app 1 21h
kubectl -n kube-system get configmap aws-auth NAME DATA AGE aws-auth 2 19h
kubectl -n kube-system get configmap aws-auth -o=yaml kubectl get configmap argocd-cm -n argocd -o yaml > argocd-cm.yml
See also[edit]
kubectl get
: [all
|componentstatus | pods | apiservices | events
|secret | deployments | serviceaccounts | endpoints | daemonset | networkpolicy
],kubectl get -h
- ConfigMaps:
kubectl [ get | edit | describe | create | delete ] configmaps
, Kustomize,kind: ConfigMap, ConfigMapRef, envFrom