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useradd[1] - create a new user or update default new user information (man)

useradd -m YOUR_USERNAME -s /bin/bash
        -m, --create-home

useradd -m YOUR_USERNAME --uid #### --gid #### -s /bin/bash --create-home

useradd -m YOUR_USERNAME -g your-group -s /bin/bash --create-home


Add user using Ansible[edit]

 - user:
     name: YOUR_USER_NAME
     shell: /bin/bash
     groups: sudo
     append: yes
     password_lock: yes

Add user using bash[edit]

Example creating a user in Ubuntu with bash shell, ~/.ssh directory and part of group sudo using useradd[2] command:


# Create user and add to sudo group
  useradd  --create-home -s /bin/bash $USERNAME
  sudo usermod -aG sudo $USERNAME 

#Create ssh directory and lock password login
  mkdir /home/$USERNAME /home/$USERNAME/.ssh
  chown $USERNAME.$USERNAME /home/$USERNAME /home/$USERNAME/.ssh 
  passwd -l $USERNAME 

passwd -l $USERNAME // for disabling password login
passwd -u $USERNAME // will unlock account if needed

After creating user you can copy ssh key using ssh-copy-id and modifying sudo for giving new user privileges.

useradd command[edit]

useradd[3] command.

-m --create-home
-M, --no-create-home
-N, --no-user-group
-s --shell

useradd -m YOUR_USERNAME -s /bin/bash

You can also consider activating passwordless sudo for your accounts.

Related commands[edit]


See also[edit]

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