ykman oath accounts add --help

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ykman oath accounts add --help

Usage: ykman oath accounts add [OPTIONS] NAME [SECRET]

  Add a new account.

  This will add a new OATH account to the YubiKey.

  NAME    human readable name of the account, such as a username or e-mail address
  SECRET  base32-encoded secret/key value provided by the server

  -o, --oath-type [HOTP|TOTP]     time-based (TOTP) or counter-based (HOTP)
                                  account  [default: TOTP]
  -d, --digits [6|7|8]            number of digits in generated code
                                  [default: 6]
  -a, --algorithm [SHA1|SHA256|SHA512]
                                  algorithm to use for code generation
                                  [default: SHA1]
  -c, --counter INTEGER           initial counter value for HOTP accounts
  -i, --issuer TEXT               issuer of the account (optional)
  -P, --period INTEGER            number of seconds a TOTP code is valid
                                  [default: 30]
  -t, --touch                     require touch on YubiKey to generate code
  -f, --force                     confirm the action without prompting
  -p, --password TEXT             the password to unlock the YubiKey
  -r, --remember                  remember the password on this machine
  -h, --help                      show this message and exit

ykman oath add

See also[edit]
