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* Store your preferences: Every time you adjust a setting in System Preferences or an app, cfprefsd saves those changes to special files called ".plist" files.
* Read preferences for apps: When an app needs to know your preferences, it asks cfprefsd for the relevant information.
Source: Bard

Latest revision as of 08:24, 25 January 2024


  • Store your preferences: Every time you adjust a setting in System Preferences or an app, cfprefsd saves those changes to special files called ".plist" files.
  • Read preferences for apps: When an app needs to know your preferences, it asks cfprefsd for the relevant information.

Source: Bard

macOS: macOS versions, iTerm2, Homebrew, FileVault, System Integrity Protection, dscacheutil, networksetup, XNU kernel, APFS, diskutil, mdfind, Keychain Access, Growl, Activity Monitor, sidecar, macOS FHS, Apple Notification Center, sw_vers, Spotlight, pbcopy, MacOS application firewall, Applesimutils, Automatic login, security (command), codesign, spctl, Alfred, Xcode, system_profiler, log show, MacOS Preview, Rectangle app, Finder, macOS: Shortcuts, SEP, osascript, macOS profile, UTM, softwareupdate, systemsetup, pmset , macOS tips, macOS Dock, Automator, SIP, System Preferences, installer, cryptex, AirPlay, macOs first setup, Universal Control, menu bar, IPSW
