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↑ https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask
↑ https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/101090/list-of-all-packages-installed-using-homebrew
↑ https://ss64.com/osx/lsbom.html
Homebrew (2009) is a non Apple official free and open-source software package management system that allows the installation of software on Apple's macOS operating system using the command line terminal.
Basic Usage[edit]
To install software there are at least 3 commands: brew install
, brew cask
and brew tap
brew update
- Install wget software:
brew install wget
brew install postgresql@12
- Uninstall wget software
brew uninstall wget
- Install Vagrant GUI software[1], such as Atom or Google Chrome:
brew cask install vagrant
- View info of package:
brew info wget
- Create your own package:
brew create https://foo.com/bar-1.0.tgz
- Get a list of installed packages (formulae in Homebrew terminology):
brew list
[2]brew list --versions
(to include package versions)brew list PACKAGE_NAME
List of file includes in PACKAGE_NAMEbrew cask list
brew bundle
brew leaves
Other commands:
Advanced Usage[edit]
- Get a list of files installed with package_name:
brew list package_name
- Search available packages by name:
- To autoupdate your software, you can use https://github.com/DomT4/homebrew-autoupdate
Get latest version of brew and package information.
brew update
orbrew update -v
Get a list of not up to date packages:
brew outdated
Upgrade every installed package, see also https://github.com/DomT4/homebrew-autoupdate to autoupdate your software.
brew upgrade
:brew update && brew upgrade
To autoupdate your brew software, you can use
- homebrew-autoupdate https://github.com/DomT4/homebrew-autoupdate
- Disk usage:
[3] List the contents of an installer's bom (bill of materials) file- Max Howell
- Google Analytics:
brew analytics off
- Ansible: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/homebrew_module.html
- Snap, flatpak
- /Cellar/
See also[edit]
:update | upgrade | autoupdate
|unlink | changelog
|install --cask
|analytics off
|--prefix | --version
|brew --help ]