Snap[1] is a software deployment and package management for Linux available at least since 2015 [2] with support for channels[3] and parallel installs [4].
Snaps are basically an application compiled together with its dependencies and libraries – providing a sandboxed environment for the application to run. These are easier and faster to install, can receive latest updates and is confined from the OS and other apps.
Basic operations
- Installation:
sudo apt install snapd
[5] - Install your first application:
snap install hello
- Remove an application:
snap remove hello-world
- Search for your application:
snap find SNAP_TO_SEARCH
- Search for Canonical’s snaps:
snap find Canonical
- List installed snaps:
snap changes
- Show Info:
snap info SNAP_NAME
- Update your snaps:
sudo snap refresh
snap set
. For example:snap set rocketchat-server port=4000
snap get
snap switch
snap services
Snapshots and Roll Back
- Change channel:
sudo snap refresh hello --channel=beta
snap info PACKAGE
(To show channels)
Snaps were introduced in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
- Read snap source code:
- Enable snaps in Fedora:
sudo dnf install snapd
andsudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
sudo systemctl restart snapd.service
snap start
find /snap/<snapname>/current/
- Flatpak
- systemctl stop snapd
- geth --syncmode snap
See also
- Snap:
: [list
|refresh | set
|snap list | snap version
|snap find aws
|snap --help
] - Package managers: dpkg, APT, RPM, YUM, DNF, homebrew, pkgutil, opkg, Helm, pkg and snap, npm, Aptitude, alien, Conan, CRAN, Chocolatey, NuGet, PackageKit, Wajig, pacman, PIP, Apache Ivy, List packages, List files in packages, Spack
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