Change management (ITSM)
wikipedia:Change management (ITSM)
Typical steps on a IT change management
- Change planning
- Change approval
- Change implementation
- Change closure
Best practices for a successful change management process
Change planning
- Write down all steps of you change, including date, description and executor and roll back procedure in case of failure
- Review your plan with all stakeholders
- Notify and obtain customer approval on advance
- Assess impact on the service/business (Change Impact Analysis (CIA))
- Choose the right time according to service to execute you change
Change approval
- Submit your change to change-advisory board (CAB) for approval
Change implementation
- Verify always your backups before starting and take a new backup before starting
- Verify your services are up and running and there is no alerts in the monitoring systems
- Follow the plan
Change closure
- Verify always in your monitoring tool all your services are up and running. If a specific functionality of your stack is not properly monitored prepare some test to verify service.
- Notify stakeholders of change outcome, include any deviation and some verification that the service is working properly
Related terms
See also