brew services --help

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brew services --help
 Usage: brew services [subcommand]

 Manage background services with macOS' launchctl(1) daemon manager.

 If sudo is passed, operate on /Library/LaunchDaemons (started at boot).
 Otherwise, operate on ~/Library/LaunchAgents (started at login).

 [sudo] brew services [list] (--json):
     List information about all managed services for the current user (or root).

 [sudo] brew services info (formula|--all|--json):
     List all managed services for the current user (or root).

 [sudo] brew services run (formula|--all):
     Run the service formula without registering to launch at login (or boot).

 [sudo] brew services start (formula|--all|--file=):
     Start the service formula immediately and register it to launch at login
 (or boot).

 [sudo] brew services stop (formula|--all):
     Stop the service formula immediately and unregister it from launching at
 login (or boot).

 [sudo] brew services kill (formula|--all):
     Stop the service formula immediately but keep it registered to launch at
 login (or boot).

 [sudo] brew services restart (formula|--all):
     Stop (if necessary) and start the service formula immediately and register
 it to launch at login (or boot).

 [sudo] brew services cleanup:
     Remove all unused services.

       --file                       Use the service file from this location to
                                    start the service.
       --all                        Run subcommand on all services.
       --json                       Output as JSON.
   -d, --debug                      Display any debugging information.
   -q, --quiet                      Make some output more quiet.
   -v, --verbose                    Make some output more verbose.
   -h, --help                       Show this message.

See also
