agd testnet --help
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agd testnet --help
necessary files (private validator, genesis, config, etc.). Note, strict routability for addresses is turned off in the config file. Example: gaiad testnet --v 4 --output-dir ./output --starting-ip-address Usage: agd testnet [flags] Flags: --algo string Key signing algorithm to generate keys for (default "secp256k1") --chain-id string genesis file chain-id, if left blank will be randomly created -h, --help help for testnet --keyring-backend string Select keyring's backend (os|file|test) (default "os") --minimum-gas-prices string Minimum gas prices to accept for transactions; All fees in a tx must meet this minimum (e.g. 0.01photino,0.001stake) (default "0.000006stake") --node-daemon-home string Home directory of the node's daemon configuration (default "agd") --node-dir-prefix string Prefix the directory name for each node with (node results in node0, node1, ...) (default "node") -o, --output-dir string Directory to store initialization data for the testnet (default "./mytestnet") --starting-ip-address string Starting IP address ( results in persistent peers list ID0@, ID1@, ...) (default "") --v int Number of validators to initialize the testnet with (default 4) Global Flags: --home string directory for config and data (default "/Users/my-user/.agoric") --log_format string The logging format (json|plain) (default "plain") --log_level string The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default "info") --trace print out full stack trace on errors
See also[edit]
agd [ tx | add-genesis-account | collect-gentxs | config | debug | export | gentx | init | query | rosetta | keys | start | status | tendermint | testnet | unsafe-reset-all | validate-genesis | version | agd --help
]- Agoric Systems,
BLD token, IST token, Agoric binaries, Agoric DCF, Agoric validator, Agoric nodeag0, agd, ag-cosmos-helper, ~/.agoric/, ~/.ag-cosmos-helper/
, agoric-sdk, IST token, OCAPs