Archive (IOS)

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This article is a Draft. Help us to complete it.
SW1(config-archive)#path ?
 crashinfo:  Write archive on crashinfo: file system
 flash:      Write archive on flash: file system
 ftp:        Write archive on ftp: file system
 http:       Write archive on http: file system
 https:      Write archive on https: file system
 rcp:        Write archive on rcp: file system
 scp:        Write archive on scp: file system
 sftp:       Write archive on sftp: file system
 tftp:       Write archive on tftp: file system
router# conf t
router(config)# archive
router(config-archive)# path scp://cisco:secure@$h/$t-$h
router(config-archive)# write-memory
router(config-archive)# time-period 1440
router(config-archive)# exit
router(config)# exit
router# write memory
sh run
 time-period 1440 

Related terms[edit]

See also[edit]
