brew info --json terraform
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brew info --json terraform | jq -r '.[].versioned_formulae[]' terraform@0.13 terraform@0.12 terraform@0.11
[ { "name": "terraform", "full_name": "terraform", "tap": "homebrew/core", "oldname": null, "aliases": [ "terraform@1.4" ], "versioned_formulae": [ "terraform@0.13", "terraform@0.12", "terraform@0.11" ], "desc": "Tool to build, change, and version infrastructure", "license": "MPL-2.0", "homepage": "", "versions": { "stable": "1.4.1", "head": "HEAD", "bottle": true }, "urls": { "stable": { "url": "", "tag": null, "revision": null, "checksum": "338a6d1f13d27c8c5666d0b91649e2a923cc1204a8d33cb29a126cc8a7bd064d" }, "head": { "url": "", "branch": "main" } }, "revision": 0, "version_scheme": 0, "bottle": { "stable": { "rebuild": 0, "root_url": "", "files": { "arm64_ventura": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "6d8a2cf96386c5d2c151c742925814f8429873d8b673d8e1b1d1476dc16437f4" }, "arm64_monterey": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "6d8a2cf96386c5d2c151c742925814f8429873d8b673d8e1b1d1476dc16437f4" }, "arm64_big_sur": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "6d8a2cf96386c5d2c151c742925814f8429873d8b673d8e1b1d1476dc16437f4" }, "ventura": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "b1d5000c12c2df58262cf736c3309b372751d0b73dae3eee89ec95f85512fa87" }, "monterey": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "b1d5000c12c2df58262cf736c3309b372751d0b73dae3eee89ec95f85512fa87" }, "big_sur": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "b1d5000c12c2df58262cf736c3309b372751d0b73dae3eee89ec95f85512fa87" }, "x86_64_linux": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "e7793fde8f830b74dcb992796d55f8c633a2c2e32cf034e630a85e53b2dac13e" } } } }, "keg_only": false, "keg_only_reason": null, "options": [ ], "build_dependencies": [ "go" ], "dependencies": [ ], "test_dependencies": [ ], "recommended_dependencies": [ ], "optional_dependencies": [ ], "uses_from_macos": [ ], "requirements": [ ], "conflicts_with": [ "tfenv" ], "conflicts_with_reasons": [ "tfenv symlinks terraform binaries" ], "link_overwrite": [ ], "caveats": null, "installed": [ { "version": "1.3.8", "used_options": [ ], "built_as_bottle": true, "poured_from_bottle": true, "time": 1676455334, "runtime_dependencies": [ ], "installed_as_dependency": false, "installed_on_request": true } ], "linked_keg": null, "pinned": false, "outdated": true, "deprecated": false, "deprecation_date": null, "deprecation_reason": null, "disabled": false, "disable_date": null, "disable_reason": null, "tap_git_head": "f82a0bd5cdb8947d9a1d54bd5c6300da0e02cfe3", "ruby_source_checksum": { "sha256": "93ef4f4dc7c401574ee901882431758911f7269aeac278adf2bde55b9a8e3001" } } ]
See also[edit]
brew info
- Terraform, OpenTofu,, Installation, Terraform AWS, Terraform GCP, Terraform commands, Terraform Cloud, Terraform Enterprise (TFE), HCL, HIL, meta-arguments, providers, modules, resource, provisioners, data sources, backends: remote backends, examples, configuration files, state files, variables, types, Terraform Registry, conditionals:
, functions, Blocks, dynamic blocks, errors, Terragrunt, Terraformer, Terratest, Terraform certifications, Terraform map type, Terraform Associate, Terraform: list type,TF_VAR_, TF_LOG
, Terraform provider versioning, Terraform Style Conventions, Required version, Terraform plugin, Terraform Named Values, tags, Changelog,tfsec, tflint
, Operators, Expressions:for, splat
, Debugging, Namespaces, Terraform Landing Zones, CDKTF, Atmos, Atlantis